Thursday, March 12, 2009

A third reply to Paul Cohen

Paul you wrote

"Yes, every man in his own order, according to His will. Being out of order will not cut it, though. That is what I found and exposed at Tentmaker, and hear in your preaching. You continue to manifest The Deadly Error of the Universalists. It may help you to read the entire section:

To which I said

"And I did finish reading the entire section Paul and was in agreement with you, but now I have to wonder if you did to Gary what you just finished doing to me, putting words in his mouth that he never said just your interpretation of what he said in order to promote yourself and what you believe over others."

I was speaking of the entire section of The Deadly Error of the Universalists, as should have been understood when I pointed out what I did about Gary. And from what I had said earlier about only reading the first little bit of that article.

I was not speaking about everything you wrote on Universalism.

Paul you write.

“So you did say you had red the posting and even say you were in agreement with what I said (which I take to mean you understood it).”

That should go without saying Paul, in order to be in agreement one must understand what the other said.

In that section of the article you speak on people needing to take up their cross and follow Him, of killing off the old man. of enduring unto the end, of doing the works the He did etc.

And I am in full agreement with these things.

However, as I have not read anything of what Gary has wrote except the quotes you posted in that article I do not know if Gary believes what you state he believes or not.

I am not saying Gary does not believe as you state he does Paul (that’s why I said now I have to wonder....) for he may very well believe after that fashion, for I too know of people who believe the law is no longer in effect, that we do not have to do any works etc.

But the difference between what I believe and you believe as regarding the state these people are in is a world of difference.

Let me give you an example: for many, many years my mom did not believe in the restitution of all things, therefore according to your understanding she would not be a true follower of Christ, but I know differently; she was and is a follower of Christ but in this area God in His mercy towards me gave forth this revelation of the restitution of all things to me.

This does not in any way mean I am more spiritual then she is, it just means in this area I have more light then she does, but this I also know, that she has more light in other areas then I do.

Not all are the hand or the feet Paul, we have need of the whole body of Christ and just as she needed the light God gave me concerning the restitution of all things I also need the light God has given her in other matters.

1 comment:

Paul Cohen said...

"I was speaking of the entire section of The Deadly Error of the Universalists, as should have been understood when I pointed out what I did about Gary."

Thank you for that correction, Scott, I see what you are saying now.

I thought you were talking about what was said on Tentmaker. I couldn't see how you could say that I exposed myself at "tents," except you had finally red the postings on our site.

My mistake, but my original question remains: How could you make judgments (such as, I exposed myself on "tents") regarding something you had not seen? And if you have seen the postings now, please show how I was exposed by them, and for saying what specifically that was wrong.

The only reasonable and good thing to do at this point is to go to our site and carefully review the postings and replies from Tentmaker, and respond to those, citing the specifics.

Here is the link: Kicked Out of the Tent

As for Gary Amirault, we have nothing against him. We posted all his words, and would have also gladly answered him further, had he answered us again. What you see there are his responses, unedited and unfiltered, and what we have said in reply stands, because it is the Truth, Which is no respecter of persons.

We would be glad to hear Gary retract his statements, if he did so because he was coming to the Light of all men, repenting of his sins and carnal ways. That would be wonderful! He and his family are greatly suffering the ravages of sin, as do many on Tentmaker.

Now, when you carefully read the actual postings, you will have the opportunity to see for yourself that you are very mistaken about what we believe regarding those on Tentmaker (or as pertains to anyone who professes faith in Christ). You write as if we judged the people there to be unbelievers because they lacked some certain doctrinal understanding, giving me the example of how you did not dismiss your mother on such grounds because for many years she did not believe in the restitution of all things.

We did not judge the people there (or anywhere) in this manner. That is an untrue allegation, which will be borne out for anyone who informs him or herself of what was actually said in the postings.

The Lord Jesus Christ commands His followers to know others by their fruits. Doctrines are not fruits. Lacking understanding in all doctrinal truths is not a problem for the saints, any more than it is for people in the everyday world; one does not expect a child in kindergarten to have the understanding or knowledge of an adult.

What we addressed on Tentmaker, as we do everywhere we are sent by God, were the hearts of men, from which comes all manner of wrongdoing and thinking.
